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Subtitled in Spanish - Portugese - French - Japanese - Dutch


In the DVD ‘Impro: transformations’, Keith Johnstone teaches status transactions, storytelling, spontaneity and more. A unique, must-have DVD that gives improvisation actors and teachers and other creative spirits the opportunity to study with the world-renowned Improv legend. 


Keith's ideas about improvisation, behaviour and performance appeal to a wide variety of groups.  From Actors to Psychotherapists, Improvisation companies to Theatre Schools and Companies, Business, Management and Innovation training specialists and Humanities Research Institutes, Universities and Film Production Companies have worked with him and apply his ideas in their field. 


Buy this DVD now and enjoy the 105 min DVD with more than 30 minutes extra material!


Shipping: free shipping worldwide. 

Purchase Options

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Individual copy is intended for any general interest. Distribution of any kind is not permitted.

USD $39.95 

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The educational copy is intended for libraries or educational companies who intend to either list the video to borrow, or to use the video as part of a course. 

USD $249.50 

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